Free Download A Son Journey Taking Care of Mom and Dad

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Finally The Help You Need to Care for Your Aging Loved Ones Life throws us many obstacles, forcing us into irrepressible situations. When it comes to our aging parents or loved ones, we eventually must make vexing decisions on behalf of their own well-being. Even those who lead the family during trying moments need guidance. This helpful book, A Son's Journey: Taking Care of Mom and Dad, renders the necessary advice and resources for caring for aging parents in a relatable, narrative style. As a loving son, health professional and caregiver, author Kurt Kazanowski shares his personal ups and downs of the emotional rollercoaster that comes with this difficult part of life, making this a very special read for any adult child. Kurt Kazanowski, MS, RN, CHE, is an author, speaker, coach and consultant in the areas of aging, hospice and home care. He is a native of Detroit, Michigan, and has over three decades of experience in the field of healthcare. Today, Kurt is the owner of two successful personal care home health companies Homewatch CareGivers in Michigan, where he lives, and First Home Care in Moscow, Russia. As a nurse, healthcare executive, author, speaker and successful entrepreneur, Kurt is an expert and authority in helping people meet the challenges related to aging, illness and end-of-life care. Kurt helps healthcare organizations develop the necessary strategies to improve service delivery, grow market share and enhance profitability. Through his work as a nurse and his executive leadership in hospitals, home care and hospice companies, and as the owner of Homewatch CareGivers, he has helped thousands of families care for their loved ones. In his 30 years as a healthcare business executive, Kurt has acquired a specific set of skills and competencies in creating and executing mission and business objectives, strategy development, marketing, sales, referrals, and growth and business development tactics. He also specializes in merger and acquisitions, physician relations, forming strategic partnerships between hospices and hospitals and is an authority in functioning as a connector, facilitator and networker. Kurts capacity for assisting people and organizations addresses the challenges of aging, as end-of-life care issues span from one family to large complex health systems. Kurt speaks nationally and internationally, as he values the ability to share his knowledge and experiences as both a loving son and a professional, in assisting hospice providers, home care companies and hospitals develop new business strategies to care for our increasingly aging population better and more effectively. For more information about Kurt or to engage him as a speaker for your next group or association meeting, visit or email him at WeSmirch WeSmirch distills the lastest buzz from popular gossip blogs and news sites every five minutes All articles are selected via computer algorithm vividly CafeMom CafeMom covers everything moms care about including parenting & pregnancy relationships home food beauty & style and a good dose of entertainment You're Invited to Visit a CaringBridge Website Sign in The greatest source of hope is the love of family and friends Sign in to CaringBridge to stay updated and share support during a friend's health journey Spiritual Meaning of 333 Intuitive Journal: Angel Number 333 Do you see the repeating number 333? Find out the symbolism and spiritual meaning of angel number 333 and what this means to you and your life What I Didn't See Coming: Real grief after my dad died Since my dad died 18 months ago Ive come to realize that when someone you love dies you dont just have to say goodbye to him at the time he passes away but Health Yahoo Beauty This Is How Ivanka Trump Reportedly Reacted When Her Dad Refused to Apologize for "Grab Them By the Pussy" Comments Noah's Birth Story: How Down Syndrome Changed Our Lives Noahs Birth Story: How Down Syndrome Changed Our LivesFor The Better 90% of people taking thyroid hormones will fail to feel There was zero monetization on Hypothyroid Mom for the first year and a half However as the site has grown beyond my expectations so have costs associated with My Broken Fiat: A Catholic Mom's Journey - Blog Last night my son had his final bowling tournament of the season I'd originally wanted to go to cheer him on but bowling is sacred time for him and his dad and I Dementia Care Dos and Don'ts: Dealing with Dementia Dementia can cause aggression confusion and other difficult problems Read about some common dementia behaviors and learn how to respond
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